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Why I teach students the references for quotes

Learning a lot of quotes is hard work. I find it hard - I have a strange memory that can remember a lot of facts but really struggles with quotations. To know quotes properly requires teaching quotes for every topic, it requires constant retrieval practice in lessons and during revision, and it requires students to... Continue Reading →

5 reasons I hate being off school

I'm currently off school. Yes, you guessed it, I'm holed-up at home waiting for a test result, having been struck down with a cold that then developed (for a few hours) into a continuous cough. There are plenty of things I could write about Covid, testing and the national strategy, but instead I thought I'd... Continue Reading →

What are you NOT going to do this year?

September is fast approaching and it is of course the month for new ideas, approaches, activities and habits. Most schools go through a process in the prior summer term of planning ahead, putting together department and school development plans and generally coming up with new things that will make the education the school offers better.... Continue Reading →

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